Monday, September 16, 2024

Jan 16, 1972

 Dear Mom & Dad

As you probably guessed, I made it back to Bamberg OK, and without any problems.  I sure did hate to leave when Dad in such bad shape.  Please drop me a note soon and let me know how everything is.  I sure hope he didn't have anything seriously hurt.  On the trip back from New York to Copenhagen I flew on a 747 as I had guessed that I would.  That sure is a large airplane, but it flies just as smooth (except for takeoff which was a little shaky) as any plane I've ever flown on.  

when I got to Copenhagen I didn't leave the airport, because I didn't really have as much time as I had thought, and mainly I was too tired to do any sightseeing.  I did wander around the airport for a while, and picked up a few things in the stores there.  The book mark in this envelope is for Lore.  Also in this envelope are a few more coins for her collection and a few stamps for moms collection.

When I got back to Bamberg, I found a large backlog of work to do, but I'm just about all caught up now.  I was expecting to find something here telling me an exact date of when I will be leaving Germany, but there wasn't anything.  I will of course let you know , whenever I find out myself.

Well that's really about all I have to say for now, except for thanks again for making my Christmas very enjoyable and be sure to let me know soon, how everything is!

Dec. 13 1971

 Dear Mom & Dad,

This will just be a short note to let know that my plans have not changed since the last time I wrote you.  I am still expecting to arrive Portland at 4:27 PM on Sat, 18 Dec.  Although I have not heard from you yet, since I wrote you to tell you I am coming home I am taking it for granted that you did get my letter.  If you didn't I guess this letter will be quite a surprise!

I got your very good tape, which you recorded over Thanksgiving and was sure happy to receive it.  Also I got your Christmas gifts and I will bring them back with me.  I had to take them out of the box you sent them in, in order to fit them in my suitcase, but I haven't opened them except for the one from Aunt Wilma which had the paper torn on it, so I could tell what it was when I took it out.  It's just as well, because I can use it on the trip home.

Well that's about all.  I sure am looking forward to seeing everyone, and I hope this letter get to you before I do!