Wednesday, December 17, 2014

April 21, 71

Dear Mom and Dad,
Here are some more pictures for you.  As you know I have been reassigned to another larger Officer's Club in Bamburg, but these pictures are the last ones I took around the Illishiem area before I left.

One weekend I took a short drive out into the country, no more than about 10 miles from Illishiem and came across this castle.  It was really off the beaten path, and somewhat hard to get to.  I had to go down a very small dirt road to get this picture, but I think it was worth it, because I think it turned out very well.

This was taken in the very small village right beside the castle in the other picture.  I can't remember what the name of this place was but it doesn't matter too much, because one of these tiny villages is pretty much like all the rest of them.  The tractor and trailer are a very common sight on the rural German roads. Notice my car in the background, with a friend who was with me.

This is a closer view of the castle.  I tried to go inside, but it was closed up.  I've been calling this a castle but I really don't know if that's what it really was.  It might have been a monastery or something like that.  Notice the water in the moat.

This picture was taken from the hill with the castle on it looking down into the area from where I took the first picture in this group.

Here is another common sight along country roads.  this cross was standing all by it's self on the side of a field.  You also see a lot of religious statues of various types and sizes.

This is a small cemetery on the side of the hill that the castle was on.

This picture of a church in another small village, close to Illishiem didn't really turn out like I had intended it to, but in a way it has an interesting look to it.

One Sunday afternoon I was again driving around in the countryside and came across this local soccer game which I watched part of.  In this picture one of the gollies team mates is congratulating him after successfully blocking an attempted goal by the other team.

Again at the soccer game.  Here is the goalie after someone kicked him instead of the ball.  He recovered quickly though and went back to the game.  Soccer, as you probably know is very popular in Germany and if you drive around anyplace on the weekend you're bound to see one or two games going on.  It seems to  have no season and is played year round.

I have one more envelope of pictures to get out to you so I will stop now on this one.

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