Saturday, April 5, 2014

March 30. 1971

Dear Mom & Dad,
Here are 11 more pictures for you.  these are the last ones I took of Rothenburg.  There is not too much to say about most of these pictures because mainly they are of buildings and things that I just thought were interesting at the time.  Most of my pictures so far, have turned out pretty good I think.  I'm glad I didn't invest a lot of money in an expensive camera.  The one I have, is reliable, takes good clear snap shots and is simple to work, which is about all I ever really wanted in a camera.  OK, now on to the pictures:

 This one above, as well as below are both long shots of the town.  Notice the wall.  the river in the valley is the Tauber.

 This stature of St. George is on an old water fountain, one of two in the city that supplied the town with water from the Tauber River in the old days.

 A picture of the main church in Rothenburg.

Some very old statues at the base of the church.  It was a little too dark in there to get a really good picture of them.

 A close up of one of the statues on the side of the church.

This is just an interesting old building with some interesting sculptures on it's side.

 One of the many very high towers in Rothenburg, which were used to look for enemies in medieval times.

 This is the oldest entrance to the city.  They say it dates back to the 700's
 If you can read the sign on that wall you will know more about this picture than I do!

This picture has no historical significance, but it is kind of funny.  I have no idea what they were looking for in that gutter.

One more envelope to come soon.

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