Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 2, 1971

Dear mom and Dad,
Well I'm finally getting around to sending you the other half of that last roll of pictures I sent.  I've been extremely busy and have found it hard to take out any time at all.  I haven't even had a weekend off since I've been here.   The pictures that are in this envelope are still all on-post shots.  Most of them don't deserve much comment.


 1st Brigade HQ - An old battle scared WWII building.

 View of the control tower - heavy duty fork lift in the foreground.

 I managed to catch this airplane as it was taking off.  There were two visiting Generals in it.

 Above and Below:  Tanks, Tanks and more Tanks.  They look impressive, but just watch them try to get them started some cold morning.

 More Tanks

 This is a picture of the one and only fixed wing airplane that is assigned here.

 A close up of the inside of one of our few helicopters.  During a race riot they had here several months ago, the windows in all of the helicopters were broken out!

 This is a picture of where most people around here spend a lot of their evenings; the movie theater.  prices are cheap (.35 & .75 cents) and it's about the only thing to do that's close.

Also in this envelope you will find an article I cut of of Road & Track magazine (below) which gives a fairly objective report on the Lotus.  By the way, so far no problems with the car.  It runs fine .  (Editorial comment:  That was an out right lie)

One more thing you will find In this envelope is last year's ration card.  We have to use these to buy tobacco, coffee, liquor, and Tea.  Also gas is rationed.  On my car I get 100 gallons a month which is more than enough.  Although you can buy all these things on the German Economy without ration cards, they are all quite a bit more expensive than through the Army.

Well I  will write a better letter later.  Right now i have to close this letter so I can go over and close the club and then go to bed and get some sleep.  I have to get up early tomorrow and drive into Nuremberg on business.

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