Monday, February 20, 2012

Post Cards On The Way to Germany

Dec 20, 1970
 Made it to Chicago OK - So far so good!  Must go to bed now so I can get up early to catch the flight to Philly.

                                                          Dec 20, 1970

I made it to Philadelphia without any difficulty.  I have plenty of time, so I am catching up on my sleep here before I get a bus to McGuire AFB.  should be leaving McGuire in 9 hours.

                                                           Dec. 21, 1970

It is now 4:00 AM , Monday Morning.  I've been waiting here for about 7 hours.  My plane should leave in about an hour.  There has been some delay.  I am very tired, but every thing is going OK.  Will write as soon as possible after I get in Germany

                                                         Dec. 22, 1970

I made it!  I am now in Frankfurt!  I spent the night here at the Rhein Main Aerial Port Hotel which is run by the Air Force and is completely American.  It is now 10:00 AM, Dec. 22.  I just had breakfast and I am about to try and arrange transport to my station.  I was told last night by the Replacement Battalion that my orders were changed from Erlangen to somewhere else.  I don't know where yet!  Will write when I get settled.
PS...It's snowing!!

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