Thursday, November 17, 2016

June 23, 1971

Dear Mom and Dad,
Well here are the first of the pictures that I took while I was on leave.  I've got 4 rolls developed now and two more that haven't been developed yet, but you will be getting them in the near future.  I had a good time taking them and a real good time at the places at which they were taken.  I think you will find some of them interesting.  I'm going to start at the beginning of my trip and work on from there.

These first two were taken on my first day out.  They were both taken from the same location, but in different directions.  This was down on the German-Austrian border, S.E. of Munich, in the area called the Bavarian Alps. The Austrian border is just a few miles from where I took these pictures.

 This was taken in Innsbruck, during my first stop, and first night lay-over.  This is a picture of the bed in my hotel.  You might think it strange to take a picture of a bed in a hotel, but in this case I thought it worthwhile.  This was my first experience with European beds.  Please notice the big white thing on the bed that looks like a giant pillow.  That was the problem, I didn't know whether to sleep on it, under it, or in it.  It was very soft and comfortable on it, but nothing left for covers.  It was a little small to get in, so I finally took the last choice of under, which I believe was correct.  It's like sleeping under a mountain of feathers, but very comfortable.  In fact I grew to like this type of bed so much by the time I came back, that I think I will buy one of these very comfortable comforters before I come back to the states.

This is the only picture I took of Innsbruck, because I didn't stay very long but I should have because it is a very beautiful city.  I took this picture out of my hotel window early in the morning.  The clouds were covering up the mountains.

The above two photos were taken not too far out of Innsbruck, on my second day.  I took these pictures along the autobahn that goes through the Brenner Pass.  This is only about 35 miles from the Italian border.  As soon as I hit Italy this excellent autobahn ended and turned into a 2 lane winding, miserable road, but the scenery on both sides of the border was beautiful.

Well I made it to Monte Carlo OK, and this is a picture of the entrance to the small bay there.  All the pictures of Monte Carlo were taken on the morning of the race.

This one was taken from the same position as the one above but in the direction of the city.  As you can see there were quite a few very large boats docked in the bay. 

Monte Carlo is a big hang out for the world's "jet set".  This is a picture of one of the many Ferrari's I saw parked on the streets.  This is about a $20,000 automobile!

Monte Carlo is built on the side of some very steep cliffs from which I took this picture overlooking part of the city and the blue Mediterranean.

A little closer view of the city.

This is a picture of the backside of the famous Monte Carlo Casino.  I didn't go inside, but from the outside it looks like quite a plush building.

That's all for this envelope.  I still have more to mail.

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