Monday, October 15, 2018

July 15, 1971

Dear Mom & Dad
Here's another dozen pictures for you.  These were all taken in Geneva Switzerland.  I left Cannes early in the morning and drove most of the day through France until I got there.  Geneva is right on the French border so the predominant language spoken is French.  Geneva is a city where you are likely to see people from all over the world, many of them in their local dress.  I saw a lot of Africans, all of whom spoke French and none who  sported an"Afro" hair-do. 

I start out right in downtown Geneva.  I took this one mainly to show you a picture of a streetcar, which are very common in most large European cities.

Walking a few blocks from where I took the first picture, I came across this open air market which is another sight that is very common over here, especially in Germany.  Usually you can buy just about any kind of fruit or vegetable you can think of at these places.

Moving out of the main commercial section of the city I came to a large park which extends along the shore of Lake Geneva.  This fountain was in the park.

In the same park, I came across the subject for this picture.  It seems only appropriate that in what could be called the world capital of clocks and watches that they would have one made of flowers.  There is also one of these in Interlaken, both of them are working models.  As you can see, it was 10:30 when I took this picture.

this is a monument to the Reformation of the church.  the whole monument is about a block long with statues of many different people who played important parts of the Reformation.  This is across a large tree covered mall from the university.

Back down town I ran across this river which runs into Lake Geneva.

This is Lake Geneva with part of the city in the background

This is an interesting monument, only I don't know what it represented.  It was unusual for the fact that it looked like the top of a church steeple that had been cut off and placed there.

This is one of the cruise boats that will take you on an all day ride around lake Geneva.

This is the Geneva Opera house.

This is the main entrance to a very large church downtown.  It was rather bare inside though.

The International Exhibition on Education.  This is where I got some of the literature that I sent you.  
Still more pictures to follow!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

July 14, 1971

Dear Mom, and Dad

Here are some more of the pictures that I took while I was on leave.  I want to try and get the rest of these sent within the next few days, so I can concentrate on writing you a good long letter to catch you up on my news on this side of the Atlantic.

In these pictures you will see Cannes France, where I went after Monte Carlo.  I stayed there for about a day and a half.

This is a shot taken along the waterfront.  notice the French flags.  The beach at Cannes has a reputation of being one of the best in Europe, but as you can see for yourself it doesn't look as attractive as most of the ones on the West Coast.  Anyway 99% of it is all private beaches belonging to the hotels in the background.

This is just another picture of the beach at Cannes, taken in the opposite direction of the first shot.

A picture taken along the boardwalk by the beach.  I took this one to show you a real French Poodle, in his native land!

This is not exactly the most classy hotel in Cannes, but it is where I stayed and it wasn't too bad.  Two meals a day plus a room for about $10 a day.

In France you can "read the writing on the wall", so to speak.  This bit of Communist expression was right next to my hotel.

In Cannes, this is one of the most popular buildings.  The "Movie house".  The film festival was in progress while I was there and this is where all the films are shown.  It is also a good place to look for International stars if you are so inclined.

This picture gives a good idea of the many different countries represented down at the Cannes dock.  From front to back: Monaco, USA , England,Panama, and England again.  I spent a lot of time down at the waterfront.  I found it very interesting.

Again, down at the dock I came across this VW bus, waiting for a ship  to Africa!  It says on the side:  "From Berlin to Cape Town, via East Africa"

Here's a closer look at one of the big private boats from panama.

This is a group of men playing Bocce ball.   it is played by throwing little steel balls.  I don't know much about it, but it must be interesting, because it seems like the men around here spend 80% of their time playing it.

My last shot of this group is a close up of a boat from New York, USA!    
More to come.....